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Leaving the comfort zone.

Today was our first ministry day here in Tijuana. We began our morning at the base with breakfast and morning devotions with our team, then off  to church!

We spent the morning at a local church 15 minutes away from where we are staying and had the opportunity to participate and experience their service. It was evident to most that this is nothing like we've experienced in Canada. It is much more loose and go-with-the-flow-y. It was a real privileged to be able to worship with them and we were also expected to share a testimony with the congregation, which was unexpected; regardless one of our youth got up there and shared what God put on her heart in front of total strangers (we had a translator with us). Also, myself and the youth, alongside one of the YWAM leaders got thrown into Sunday school and were expected to lead it! We had almost nothing prepared, besides a little skit that goes along with the parable of the lost sheep. We did that, and began to brainstorm how else we can communicate the story to them with out any translator and very little supplies. Thankfully God worked out all the details and our team engaged them with the story and shared the love of Christ with them. After the service we were fed some delicious food and then we were off to the orphanage for the rest of the ministry day.

Our team was probably most excited about being at the orphanage from the first time they heard we would be going there and it was evident why. They thrived there. They worked up the courage to engage with the kids and teens there despite the language barrier. They did this through the universal language of soccer, nail painting, face painting, and other activities. I saw God working mightily through our youth and leaders in that space. There were some really great moments that I hope the youth can share with you when you ask them!

At the end of our ministry day we go back to the base for dinner around 5 have a bit of free time and off to our evening session which consist of worship and a talk. Our theme this week is I AM from Isaiah 43 and learning to trust that God really is who He says He is and how we can be a witness to that. The last thing we do before lights out is team time with just our crew. This is a time where we get to hear form each person where it is they saw God today and to encourage and pray for one another.

Please continue praying for us! Here are some specifics:
- That God would remove distractions that inhibit us from drawing closer to him and engaging with what he has planned for our team
- Health. We have some head aches, sun burns, colds, and other sicknesses.
- Continued energy. We are heading into the house build tomorrow and in for a long day!


-  Trinity Mexico Team


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